Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Client Case Study Vicky Cook - When I Grow Up

Client Case Study Vicky Cook - When I Grow Up Um, do you know that Ive coached hundreds of women since I started offering dream career guidance in 2008? And that these women are freakin rock stars, leaving soul-sucking jobs and traveling the world and launching creative, grown-up businesses and simply doing work that fits their lifestyle goals? Well ya do now and youll hear their stories firsthand in my  Client Case Studies series! Vicky Cook joined my  Build Your Client Base  mastermind group a year ago, and its been my absolute pleasure working with her. Her coaching business,  Heart Moxie, is for high-achieving women over 40 who want to go from midlife muck to midlife awakening, and boy oh boy does she deliver! Shes expanded her offerings, has become a consistent and stellar marketer (I personally 3 her newsletters), and is working with more clients than ever before. Take it away, Vicky! Why did you decide to work with me? I decided to work with you because I was at a place where I felt stuck in growing/launching my business. I didnt know what I else I needed to do, and on my own, I likely wouldnt push myself even if I could figure it out! I was inspired by your track record of helping other entrepreneurs, and honestly, my gut told me you were the one to I NEEDED to help me! What were you doing work-wise when we started working together and what are you doing now? I was operating solely from my comfort zone. I wasnt pushing myself to get uncomfortable in order to stretch myself and grow. So, I wasnt reaching the people I needed to reach, nor was I connecting with those that were in my radar. I was also putting a lot of pressure on myself with what I should be doing, or what I thought it meant to be a good business owner. Now, Im more in tune with a work schedule that works for me and not against. Ive given myself permission to take breaks and not work 24/7! Ive also pushed through some big fears on ways to reach more people and connect with my audience. Finally, Ive been able to really hone in on my niche, develop a framework around what I offer, and provide more meaningful content around these new insights. What was your biggest takeaway from our work together? My most meaningful takeaway (so far!) has been reducing the fear Ive had around being more visible in my business. You helped me challenge the stories I was subconsciously telling myself about doing live videos and not only is that allowing me to connect more with my people, but I discovered that I really love it! Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her? My advice is to believe in herself and her dream. Then, Id advise her to jump in with both feet by partnering with Michelle because Michelle will meet her where she is and help her shift from a wanna-be entrepreneur to a hell-yeah-I-can-do-this business owner! Is there anything thats been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? Wed love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip! Two things, actually! The first is honoring the times that Im most productive (mornings) and not forcing myself to work during the times Im least productive (evenings). Previously, I felt if I didnt put in some hours at night, after my day job, then I wasnt a dedicated business owner, but you helped me see that is not a good time for me to work, and its okay to not work in the evenings! In doing so, I now honor the morning hours and block those off as my official work time for my business. This has helped me to have some more balance in having my evenings off, and feel so much less pressure and guilt (for not working in the evening hours). Also, bulk prepping my blog posts and newsletter emails. I plan out a quarter in advance so I know what my topics will be, and each month, I write, prep, and schedule all blog posts and newsletters for the following month. So, when the first of the month rolls around, all of my content is already done and scheduled. No more last minute panicking on what to write, or trying to find the time! Whats on the horizon for your business? Wed love to hear about any upcoming offerings or goals!   I have a new program for women over 40 (my target!) Moxify Your Midlife that guides you through the process of discovering whats missing in your life, taking some needed action, and writing your own Midlife Moxie Manifesto. Women over 40 tend to feel a little lost and stuck in their lives. By walking through the process of writing your own powerful Manifesto, you find clarity in where youre stuck, discover what you truly want from life, and feel empowered to live more authentically. The first round is currently underway, and doors will open again this summer! I also run a Facebook group for women over 40 looking to connect with others going through this confusing stage of life, and be inspired to take action to get unstuck!   I host regular Shut the Muck Up! LIVE talks on topics to help you get unstuck and motivated to make the changes you crave.   To join the group (and stay in the loop for the next round of Moxify Your MIdlife!):    http://www.heartandmoxie.com/community Where can we find you and your work? Website: heartandmoxie.com,  IG: @heartandmoxie, FB: @heartandmoxie Want to get in on our July-December round of Build Your Client Base? Make sure youre signed up  here  and then open up my email on June 13th. This current round sold out before I could open it publicly, so if you want the option of joining us, get on that list, girl!

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